Own It Ventures

Software Engineering Team Success Coaching

Provide the coaching your team needs to help engineers seamlessly work together and deliver successful products on time.

You have a conversation coming up with engineers, and you feel out of your element.

These questions run through your mind:
- What do I say?
- How are they feeling?
- What are their needs and challenges?
- How do I help them solve those challenges?
On and on the questions go.You could just continue to bumble your way through, risk pointing the engineers in the wrong direction, and ultimately negatively impact the team dynamic. But you know you need someone that knows best practice engineering process. They need to be able to coach the current team on the process, roles of each member of the team, and how best to effectively deliver in the process.Your available time to do this yourself is limited or non-existent.

We want to solve your current need

Our coaches have a proven track record of helping to deliver dozens if not hundreds of products. They understand the engineering process from concept to build to delivery and can coach others on effective ways to conceptualize and action in the process.

If you currently need to fill this empty role and access to a coach can save you even 3 hrs of time plus give you the confidence in knowing that the role is filled with someone that is dependable and can deliver, you will increase your chances of successfully delivering your projects by 2x at the least. And, you can use these success stories as examples to include in proposals for new projects and initiatives, win more pitches, and ultimately create new opportunities for the team to shine and be recognized for their outstanding results.

What we provide

Whether you already have a software engineering team, are working with an external software engineering team, are looking to build a software engineering team, or want to hire contractors, we have the right options for you.

Team Starter Package

We give you the tools to help your team succeed
- Dedicated coach
- Team Interaction or Technical Needs Assessment and report. We'll help you decide which assessment is right for you.
- Session to break down the Assessment report and create a plan of action to help the team progress towards long-term team connectedness and building successful products

Team Complete Package

We work with you hand-in-hand to help your team succeed
- Dedicated coach
- Team Interaction or Technical Needs Assessment and report. We'll help you decide which assessment is right for you.
- Session to break down the Assessment report and create a plan of action to help the team progress towards long-term team connectedness and building successful products
- One-one-one and group sessions to help the team stay on track towards their goals

Ready to get started?

Contact us today to get access to your coach.

Schedule a free 15 minute intro call with us today and let us provide you with a success coach to help your team.

Get insight into how you can build a successful, engineering team and culture that lasts, even through difficult times.

© 2024 Own It Ventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash.

About Us

As former software engineers we know how difficult it can be to know what to say to software engineers, how to hire them and how to help them be successful. Let us take the guess work out of it for you. Whether you have a software engineering team, are looking to build software engineering teams, or want to hire software engineering contractors, we help you recognize and avoid the common pitfalls that lead to engineer burnout and dissatisfaction. With our guidance, you will learn the needs of your software engineering teams, become better able to support those teams, foster positive team culture, and ultimately operate effectively to build successful products.Contact us today to get started on providing the engineering team success coaching you need.

© 2024 Own It Ventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash.

Read our Free Guides on Building Teams and Team Culture

© 2024 Own It Ventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash.

About this Guide

Learn the considerations you need to make when building a software engineering team so that you can avoid building a team that will ultimately burnout and be unsuccessful.

Who is this guide for?

Technical and non-technical folks looking to build engineering teams or anyone that wants to reassess their team dynamics

© 2024 Own It Ventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash.

About this Guide

This guide will give you the keys you need to know when engaging with engineers to make your conversations and interactions more productive.

Who is this guide for?

Technical and non-technical folks looking to engage with one or more engineers for the first time or anyone that wants to brush up on their communication skills with engineers.

© 2024 Own It Ventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash.

Want to build a successful engineering team? Want to build an even better team culture? Get your copy of How to Build a Successful Engineering Team and Culture today and you will learn how to do exactly that and be able to sustain it, even in a pandemic.

Most teams are built so quickly that little time is given to determining and understanding how the team works together and the culture that is created. By the time anyone is even aware of it, certain interactions have been allowed to persist for months or even years. Some great, some toxic. And no one really knows how the team came to be in that particular state.

How to Build a Successful Engineering Team and Culture walks you through some of the pitfalls teams encounter, how to avoid them, and how to build a team and positive culture that lasts. Yes, even in a pandemic.

Pre-order Your Copy Today!

You'll also get book news and sneak peaks of included chapters.

© 2024 Own It Ventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash.

Thank You

Thank you for pre-ordering How to Build a Successful Engineering Team and Culture. Stay tuned for book updates.

Contact Us

Questions? Drop us a note below and we will contact you with additional information.

© 2024 Own It Ventures, Inc. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash.